护坡模具放置时间,夏季大约24小时左右,冬季一般放置2-3天。六棱块护坡钢模具放置时间夏季5-8小时,冬季一般在12小时左右,相对来说钢模具的脱模时间比较短,而塑料模具的脱模时间比较长一些。 待混凝土凝固成型之后进行拆模或者脱模成型。
The placing time of slope protection mould is about 24 hours in summer and 2-3 days in winter. Six-edged slope protection steel mold is placed for 5-8 hours in summer and 12 hours in winter. Relatively speaking, the demoulding time of steel mold is shorter, while that of plastic mold is longer. Removal or demoulding of concrete after solidification.