护坡【slope protection】指的是为防止边坡受冲刷,在坡面上所做的各种铺砌和栽植的统称
护坡【slope protection】指的是为防止边坡受冲刷,在坡面上所做的各种铺砌和栽植的统称。
Slope protection refers to all kinds of paving and planting on the slope to prevent the slope from being scoured.
桥址所在河段,河岸的凹岸逐年迎受水流冲刷,会使河岸不断地坍塌。为保护桥梁和路堤安全,须在凹岸修筑防护建筑物。此外,因设桥引起河水流向变化,冲刷河岸而危及农田和村镇时,也须在河岸修建防护建筑物。聚氨酯软管 PVC软管 隔离墩模具 u型槽模具 护坡模具 pvc输送带 尼龙输送带 天津除甲醛 北京除甲醛
In the river section where the bridge site is located, the concave bank of the river bank is scoured by the current year by year, which will cause the river bank to collapse continuously. In order to protect the safety of bridges and embankments, protective buildings must be built on concave banks. In addition, when the river flow direction changes due to the construction of a bridge and washes the river bank, endangering farmland and villages and towns, protective buildings must also be built on the river bank.
According to the function of slope protection, it can be roughly divided into two types: (a) it is only a slope protection worker resistant to weathering and erosion, which does not bear lateral earth pressure, such as shotcrete slope protection, grid planting slope protection, planting slope protection, etc., which is only applicable to gentle and stable slopes without sliding( B) Retaining slope protection that provides anti sliding force can be roughly divided into: (a) rigid self weight retaining wall (such as masonry retaining wall, gravity retaining wall, wall leaning retaining wall, suspended retaining wall and buttress retaining wall), (b) flexible self weight retaining wall (such as snake cage retaining wall, frame retaining wall and stiffened retaining wall), (c) Anchor Pull retaining wall (such as anchor pull lattice beam retaining wall, Anchor Pull row pile retaining wall).


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