高速公路护栏网在向着简透轻方向发展 |
添加时间:2019/10/29 14:17:29 浏览次数: |
未来高速公路护栏网的发展正在向着简、透、轻的方向进行。简是指简练、有效、少资源;透是透视效果好,无视线阻挡;轻是重量逐渐减轻,向着更新型材料轻薄能源发展。 In the future, the development of highway guardrail net is in the direction of simple, transparent and light. Simple means concise, effective and less resources; transparent means good perspective effect, no line of sight blocking; light means gradually reducing weight, and developing towards light and thin energy of renewable materials. 纵观历史,高速公路的发展时间不是很长,是近些年随着汽车行业才兴起的,它一开始就是在贯彻“简单而有效的防护”路线,一直没有变过,从早先的刺绳护栏网(带刺铁线相互交叉构成网墙)到如今的双边护栏网或是框架护栏网无一不是简单的不能再简单了。未来很有可能简单到有质无形,看不到而能阻挡车辆和行人的出入。 Throughout the history, the development time of expressway is not very long. In recent years, with the rise of the automobile industry, it began to implement the "simple and effective protection" route, which has not changed. From the earlier barbed wire fence (barbed wire cross each other to form a net wall), to the present bilateral fence or frame fence, none of them is simple and can no longer be simple. The future is likely to be simple, intangible, invisible and able to block the access of vehicles and pedestrians. |
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