在设置坡脚防滑基础后铺设空心六角块 |
添加时间:2021/11/11 16:22:10 浏览次数: |
在设置坡脚防滑基础后铺设空心六角块,用橡胶锤敲振使其块间隙紧密、整齐,减少施工后的沉降现象;根据施工面积计算出空心块填塞需要的砂浆量,拌和站拌制相应小石子混凝土运至施工现场;对工程量较小的区域经监理工程师同意后进行人工拌制小石子混凝土。 Lay hollow hexagon block after setting anti-skid foundation at slope toe, knock with rubber hammer to make the block gap close and tidy, reduce the settlement after construction; calculate the amount of mortar required for filling hollow block according to the construction area, mix the corresponding small stone concrete in the mixing station and transport it to the construction site; mix the small stone concrete manually in the area with small work amount after the approval of the supervising engineer Soil. 填塞砂浆前洒水润湿空心块内部新砂浆蠕动泵 保定建筑设计 保定网站建设 保定网站制作 保定网络公司 保定办公家具 保定轻钢别墅 接触面,检查润湿到位后进行人工填塞,填塞时人工振捣使灌入小石子混凝土密实、无空洞,并对单个空心六角砖内硅进行压实、抹平填塞完毕后检查护坡整体平整度,对表面进行整体处理。 Before filling the mortar, spray water to moisten the contact surface of new mortar inside the hollow block. After checking that it is moistened in place, fill it manually. When filling, vibrate it manually to make the concrete filled with small stones dense and free of cavities. Compact the internal silicon of a single hollow hexagonal brick, and check the overall flatness of the slope protection after the completion of troweling and filling, and conduct overall treatment on the surface |
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